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“Empty Innovation” at Re:Publica 2024 #rp24

Under the motto "Who Cares" Re:Publica gathered a few thousand people in Berlin and I got to give a talk continuing the path I started out on with my last two talks in 2022 and 2023. Titled "Empty Innovation" I tried outlining my understanding of the patterns of the weird technological hypes we've gone through in the last years, why they happen and also what this mode of "innovation" does to us as people, communities and societies.

Axel Morgner

@tante Danke für deinen super Talk! Werde einige Gedanken und Ansätze mit in meinen (Berufs)alltag mitnehmen.


@tante wasn't there in person (gotta feed the capitalist machine to earn money to pay for rent and cat food...) but enjoyed the recorded session a lot. Thanks for this! Also, more Nazi Punching. <3


@tante really great talk, why did I not follow you before? 🤣


Ich möchte nicht weiter radikalisiert werden, aber was will man machen... ✊

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