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Why was this never mentioned in school?

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Niall in Raglan :laserkiwi:

@joshourisman @jetton which is why they've deployed ai search results πŸ˜‚

Western Infidels

@jetton Man those moon cats were too cool for us to handle, dig

Riley S. Faelan

@jetton Big Cheese doesn't want to admit that its poor lunar storage conditions have attracted mice

SunnJax πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@jetton I’m glad I’m out of the school biz now, because trying to help students navigate this garbage successfully is overwhelming to think about.

Zen Heathen

@jetton Wake up, sheeple! We've been bamboozled by the Lame Stream Media funded by Big Dog!


@jetton I was a primary school student when the first Apollo moon landing happened. And I was still a primary school student when the last one happened.

Even if my teachers didn't know, Behind The News should have. I blame the ABC. :blobcatfacepalm::blobcatdizzy::blobcatfacepalm2:


@jetton @lisamelton proves cats = extraterrestrials πŸ‘½πŸ±

Michael Gemar

@jetton @hannu_ikonen How are the people who approved this feature still employed?

ArtifexUmbra :pacmanclyde:

@jetton I bet the cats up there eat at least one small rock per day.

Adnan πŸ¦™

@jetton Speaking of school - my son is taught how to use Google in his primary school. Now these schools will have to undo all that training! The damage to Google brand is immense. Even if they turn this back, we can’t rely on the current management to be good custodians of the brand.


Chumchum Tumtum

@jetton I learned about it in school. Maybe you weren't paying attention that day


@jetton So that's why they had to fake it, to hide the mooncats.

Bruce Arthurs


Wait, what? This book was non-fiction?


@jetton they don’t want you to the cat

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