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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@uu Uh-uh. There *is* "they". Don't think for a second that the interests, the education, the way of thinking, the outlooks, the problems, the life experiences, etc., etc,. of someone like Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg are anywhere near comparable to those of people like me or you.


@drq "people like me or you"? Why thew fuck we are on a same group then? Who chooses the criteria? If you want me to accept this thinking - its people like me and (THE OTHER) people like you :)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@uu The criterion is "people who make their living by making stuff" vs. "people who make their living by owning stuff the former made".

It's not binary of course, it's a gradient. But if you wanted to know what the divide boils down to, well, here it is.



@drq There is only one "we" i accept. The humanity.

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