@davidho Stop looking for ways to keep energy-luxury going as usual via "efficiency" measures. It will at best massively slow down the effects of all climate policy and at worst induce stagnation or continued growth of emissions via Jevons' Paradox. More "efficiency" is not the (main) solution that will get us to net-zero anywhere near as fast as is needed to save millions of lives from climate disaster and wars over resources and access to livable land. Reduction of energy consumption should be the priority, it's the fastest method to approach net-zero. We should be talking about how to NOT burn anymore energy, how to ration, which uses and devices to ban, not this red herring of "oh wouldn't this tiny improvement in efficiency be nice".
EVs only reduce lifetime emissions to about 40% vs. a fossil car, if more people that are coming out of poverty in the Global South will all start trying to live like the Americans they've been seeing on TV and getting 1-2 personal cars per family we will NOT get to net-zero before the climate turns into a horror show. Stop talking about those damn EVs as if they were the silver bullet that saves us from climate change.
@abm0 @davidho Nobody said EV's where "silver bullets", but they are the less bad alternative and charging infrastrukture is still a question for many.
Where are your numbers from? They are worst case at best (pun), and maybe taken from some propaganda site?