I proceed on my quest to make a small index for doing typo correction. I looked into:

- github.com/m31coding/fuzzy-sea that is a bag of tricks for doing fuzzy search, unclear yet to me how to keep the index on disk

- I looked into spotify's annoy, and also arroy that is written in rust that is done by french pop, and use LMDB github.com/meilisearch/arroy/

- I discovered deezymatch, that according to the README does what I want fuzzy search and look promising. I will need to look at the algorithm they use. github.com/Living-with-machine

- There is also resin a c# vector space database that I could look at github.com/kreeben/resin

Even if my prototype runs with an integrated GPU, it feels awkward given the current environment to push more of AI ML stuff.