#FediBlock I made a instance! Also maybe #Introduction (is it #Introductions with an s?).

I'm a 34 year old husband of @redchrision , expecting #father, #FOSS software / #cryptography developer, creator of #cjdns and #PKT projects and also original creator of @cryptpad (which is these days developed by a wonderful team).

My mission is to make the internet self-sovereign so that it cannot be turned off. My project, PKT, is about making that happen. It's a long road but it's what I'm here for.

There is a lot of fear these days about the "hollowing out" of the political center. I believe we're not as different as we appear, and what we need is more Strong Opinions, Weakly Held.

This instance, The Pkteerium, is nominally a place for the PKT community to come together; but it is founded on the idea that people should feel free to say whatever comes into their mind at that moment, no matter how absurd. Enabling that experience for as many people as possible is a balancing act, just enough moderation - but not too much.

We're all in this together.