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Chrisshy Keygen

#FediTips "clout" isn't really a thing here, and that's not a bad thing! If you are coming from a commercial social media site where you think about things like "my personal brand" and "building my audiance" I think you might end up having a bad time.

There are a lot of systemic and cultural aversions to that here. What I hope you end up doing instead is to just, you know, make friends. Find your group of mutuals you like hanging out with.

It's totally cool to share what you are working on and your thoughts on things; but if you come on here trying to be an influencer or thought leader or your primary goal is to sell something or whatever... oof, it's going to be a very bad experience; and I genuinely wish everyone to avoid that.

Mystery Babylon

@rgegriff This x1000.

Take a break, influencers. You can still make a ton of friends and benefit from this place a lot. There is joy in just being your messy self, interests and passions and goofy bits and all.

That's what most of us here seem to actually want and respond to.

Chrisshy Keygen

@erosdiscordia yea, for sure. I people even catch a whiff of that it's going to be rough. Certain people can be cruel and mob behavior is a thing. It still exists within all of us, even here. Those impulses don't ever totally go away even if, for the most time we try to assume good-faith, etc.

Doubly so if you are already famous. Seriously! If you are famous; no you aren't! Use an alias. This is your opportunity to just be a person again. Try it!

Chrisshy Keygen

@erosdiscordia I'm not saying these are good aspects either. Just describing what I have seen happen and hoping to spare someone some trauma


@rgegriff Clout is definitely a thing, there are users with thousands of followers or who are on good terms with Important People & what they say counts for more because of that. People also get away with saying shit because of their social ties on here. & there are people who are quite explicitly/openly on here to advance their careers (as well as those for whom it's presumably an ulterior motive)

If you/others have been able to steer clear of that stuff that's great but if you just haven't noticed it you could learn a lot talk to anyone who's vocal about anti-oppression on here

@rgegriff Clout is definitely a thing, there are users with thousands of followers or who are on good terms with Important People & what they say counts for more because of that. People also get away with saying shit because of their social ties on here. & there are people who are quite explicitly/openly on here to advance their careers (as well as those for whom it's presumably an ulterior motive)


(imagine the above doesn't use "on here" as repetitively)

Brian Neltner

@rgegriff Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. Please, I just want to interact with real people being real people. I don't want to talk to internet personas invented to sell stuff or ideas even =P

Mattias Bengtsson

@rgegriff what systemic aversions are there? The culture will change as time passes, especially if more people join.

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