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Ludovic Courtès

Call for contributions to the #Guix infrastructure 👇

Many areas where you can help, with different time commitments and prerequisites: funding & spending, hardware hosting, system administration, and coding.


@civodul This is a great way to learn best practices and see some real-world deployments of Guix.

Which do you consider more important for occasional contributors: contributing to infrastructure or reviewing patches to the Guix system itself?

Ludovic Courtès

@khleedril Both are useful to the community, I think it’s really a matter of finding a place that matches one’s tastes, availability, and expertise.


@civodul > Improve infra monitoring
I'm in the review of which may help extended monitoring ability.

For balancing traffic there is HAProxy in the (gnu packages high-availability) module which misses written service. That module contains base packages for clustering as well, all missing services.

Ludovic Courtès

@sharlatan Neat. Sounds like this could be a great contribution: integrating these two services in the config of the two front-ends. 👍

David Wilson

@civodul perhaps we need to organize a fundraising drive for infra costs? I can help organize and promote that!

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