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@kithrup @cstross

Real Programmers don't use languages that computers can *output*. Systems that don't require a keyboard with at least 15 extra non-USB keys, and a specialized foot-pedal connected to the GPIO pins, are mere children's toys used by web developers and JavaScript vapers.

And Real Programmers don't interpret figures like 52/100 in anything other than octal.

(Heh! It has been a while since someone set up a Real Programmers joke.)


P J Evans

@JdeBP @kithrup @cstross
I've known people who had to fix their checkbooks, because there weren't any 8s or 9s in the numbers they saw.

Bee O'Problem

@JdeBP @kithrup @cstross A Real Programmer works by rewriting the flash memory on the SSD directly with a precise touch of their handheld electron tunneling device

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