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Mark J Koch ✅

Some more details about SPARCstation UPN.


@maehem Going off the drive for scale, that's about half the size of the lunchbox? Surprising amount of horsepower in such a tiny box. (Which also reminds me I need to get my lunchbox up and running again. And find a quieter drive for it, that thing is loud...)

Mark J Koch ✅

@becomethewaifu I worked on SS1, SS2, IPC, IPX as a tech and the whole time I'd look inside there and say to myself, "That's alot of empty wasted space." So when I got into the prototypes/ concepts group I took it to task to remove all the air. My original goal was a wearable SPARCstation but my manager and the Java team had other ideas.


@maehem @becomethewaifu Did you get a chance to play with the Star-7 ? There was a joke, "not so much a pocket SPARCStation as a portable hot plate."

Mark J Koch ✅

@ChuckMcManis @becomethewaifu I'm not sure I know what the star-7 is although it seems to ring a bell.


@maehem @becomethewaifu It was the original Java "hand held" (showed off to Scott to start Project Green aka First Person aka JavaSoft). It was basically a hand held SPARCStation 10 equivalent that Oak ran on with the original interactive environment hosted by 'Fang' the mascot. I think maybe 4 were built and I know that only 2 worked reliably for the 10 to 15 minutes needed to do the demo. Sometimes referred to as *7

Mark J Koch ✅

@ChuckMcManis @becomethewaifu I know it as Project Green. I never got to handle one. I wish I had got to hang out with that project group. Our group under Jeff Rulifson (co-inventor of the mouse) was focused on Nomadic wireless and portable computing ideas. Fox and UPN were a couple projects after a SunOS tablet project that I had joined on about the middle.


@maehem I'm actually heartbroken! I would love to have seen that. It was a backpack I guess?

Mark J Koch ✅

@alextually Actually waist mounted. Single eye HMD. Ran JavaOS. Used it for a summer project with my intern where we used a hand held "twiddler" keyboard/mouse to enter choices in an English to Japanese translation assistance app. Got literally no attention. Not even the other researchers I worked with could wrap their heads around it.

Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@maehem does it have 300 megabytes of storage capacity?

Mark J Koch ✅

@efi Somewhere between 2 and 6GB at that time.

Mark J Koch ✅

@efi Typed in the drive model from one of the photos. Fujitsu M2954ESP 3.5” 4.35GB 7.2K Wide SCSI Hard Drive

Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@maehem that's more modern than my first computer, I believe

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