@malwareminigun @typeswitch @thephd In other words, a model of "control coupling".
@malwareminigun @typeswitch @thephd The beloved `dwFlags` parameter. These two gems on that page, are just 😗: The function performs more quickly when none of these flags is set. If all three values are not provided, some results will be missing. @malwareminigun @smurthys @typeswitch @thephd the win32 is pretty great, the size of it all means it contains just about every API design issue one can think of, now, in hindsight 😀 I do actually like it overall though @Paxxi I didn't intend to rip on Win32 specifically here; lots of C APIs are horrible. And I'll take a lot of these to one fork(). An API that looks basic but has far-reaching implications, makes accurate memory use tracking impossible, and generally creates cross cutting costs against the whole system. Whereas these examples are contained to only their immediate callers. |
@smurthys @typeswitch @thephd The best part is that this isn't even really much of a straw man. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/stringapiset/nf-stringapiset-widechartomultibyte