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Jonathan Isom

@marcan I personally don’t have a problem with your assessment.

I do think if the Asahi intaller was an “app” download for macOS, fully graphical, it would be hands down the easiest and safest dual boot install option for just about any consumer linux platform. And Apple requires signing, so +1 on the security side. Not saying that stops all malicious actors, but better than the 0.1%

Hector Martin

@jeisom That's definitely an idea we've had for a long time, and yes, if it ever happens, we'd switch away from curl|sh and get it signed by Apple and all that, and it would indeed be a nonzero security improvement thanks to the signing - but the major reason to do this is the UX, not the "stop using curl|sh" part.

Jonathan Isom

@marcan oh definitely. I wouldn’t trust windows to not mess up something with an update, but with the way Apple set up their AS machines, it just seems less likely to screw up linux installs(firmware issues aside). The UX would be miles(km) apart.

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