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Bernard Tyers

@joelanman At times like this, it must give you a (well-deserved) kick of pride to have worked on this. 👏

Joe Lanman

@bernat thanks yeh its nice! I was very lucky to get the project and a great team too


@joelanman +1 to that thanks. Super grateful to have the digital services that you've helped build! Clear, clean and quick experience!

It's always a sobering reality check whenever I have to use another countries services 😁😱

Olly Maunder

@joelanman Just applied for a postal vote from my phone while watching TV. Always a pleasure using

Simon Hobeck

@joelanman I was in a planning session today looking at how we improve comms across the services around deadlines (such as registering in time or applying for postal).
Announcement of the GE will force us to push ahead fast to get something in time.

Robin Whittleton

@joelanman did both register to vote and apply for a postal vote within 10 minutes of the Guardian notification, thanks!

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