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Dr. Quadragon ❌

By the way, what I respect about Go - is that it strives to exclude the situation where you have unreferenced entities. If you're gonna import a lib, or declare a variable, or whatever else, you MUST use it somewhere down the line, otherwise the project just wouldn't build.

I love it when the tools are built in such ways that they shape good habits. Mandatory indentation is one of the reasons I loved Python so much.


Probably ; liked it a lot, too.
I wonder if 'life' really depends on the space bar there? 😅

Christian Espinoza

@drq What it's awful IMO in Go it's that to export something from a module you need Capital letters, years of hating that.

C++ has warnings about unused variables too, and that stops any project that uses -Werror from building.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

> warnings

Warnings are nothing.

Warnings are inconsequential.

Warnings are easily ignored.

Warnings don't shape behaviors.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

It's the case of the same old "rules are meaningless unless enforced".

Yes, you *could* build with -Werror flag on, but you also could *not* do that. It was opt-in, completely ignorable.

But with newer tools opting to enforce those rules globally and universally, this also carries new meaning.

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