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A lot of people who are not experts in domestic abuse think they're making a clever point by informing me that if an abuser has physical access & login credentials, the game's already over.

I am very tired and do not have the energy to explain why making spying easier for abusers is bad, actually.


@evacide thank you for all you do. I am sorry that reply guys even dare.


@coldclimate It takes a great deal of boldness and self confidence to come into my mentions and give privacy and security advice to people who were asking me and not them for their opinion.


@evacide its a level of lack of self awareness I cannot fathom, or rather, I can, but the answer is a generic "entitled men", of which I am one, but it's so way beyond that. Anyhoo, I really meant the thank you.

Asta [AMP] For people that work in an industry that prides itself on how they're all experts at scaling shit and "delivering exponential value", it's "funny" how they can never be made to understand how scaling harmful things also exponentially magnifies the harms.


@evacide I assume I missed a post about how Microsoft’s new Recall feature is a potential nightmare for people who are being abused or are otherwise associated with abusive or controlling people, and this is in response to the “well actually” crowd?

Imran Nazar

@mathaetaes Yeah, there's been some discussion on this thread from @evacide today:

I wouldn't say all of it has been nuanced and well thought out on the part of the commenters.

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