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@funbaker @lori

Apart from a large chunk of the population who doesn't have that sort of tech literacy or understanding and absolutely needs a solid gui interface in order to get the most out of their os.

These people are looking for an os as a daily driver, not for any sort of specific use case.

I installed Mint on my old laptop for my dad and it worked for him for years once I set it up because he could understand it and it was familiar. But he could not use terminal to save his life.

Glitch replied to Glitch

@funbaker @lori

There are a lot of non tech savvy folks that could really benefit from linux and enjoy it, but the rest of the community has a habit of focusing on the small things or things that seem sort of common sense or simple to the rest of us who have tech literacy.

This is the problem, we can see it playing out here in the replies to the og post too.

Its easy to let our tempers get the better of us or brush off stuff as inane, but tbh everyone's gotta start somewhere right?

funbaker #AssangeIsNotGuilty replied to Glitch

@GarbageGlitch @lori In Driving School, I was unsure about how to do certain things. Did I call my instructor "not normal" for it? certainly not, it would been an F otherwise.

Everyone likes car comparisons, right?

Glitch replied to funbaker

@funbaker @lori

As I said, I understand why you're upset about that, it's fair, but you continuing to ignore the original discussion and points, and instead focusing on wording you take issue with specifically is illustrating some of the exact problems we're discussing, and is not contributing positively to the conversation.

I think you need to step back for a second and come back later, it seems this hit a personal nerve for you.

IronCladLou replied to Glitch

@GarbageGlitch @funbaker @lori yes to this! Mint feels like windows and is super stable, the installer is easy and painless. Hardware support is excellent (wifi cards, Bluetooth, graphics, etc) I recommend it to Linux newbies all the time.
I used it as my main laptop distro for years 👍 ( I have other favorites nowadays 🤪)

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