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Holland 🏳️‍⚧️🚩🏴

@funbaker the point about the terminal was not even directed at you, not sure why you're making your status as "not a GUI dev" a thing when it's not relevant at all. No one actually asked you in particlar anything, but you still needed to chime in to tell HYPOTHETICAL/unnamed/not present people who have an issue using CLI to go fuck themselves & become a dev if they want a GUI for everything so badly. This is literally what people are complaining about on this post lmao.

Holland 🏳️‍⚧️🚩🏴 replied to Holland & no, no one is "insulting" Linux users, unless you take "not your average computer user" as an insult somehow which you seem determined to do.

Using the command line automatically elevates you to somewhere above average among the general computer-using population. That's a fact. Not everyone wants or needs to be "somewhere above average" while also having a modicum of privacy & that should be fine. For some reason in the linux community it's often not & you're kind of proving it. 🤷

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