@davidbures @PurpleJillybeans I don't "mention" the terminal, I only ask to be used when troubleshooting, and I usually explain that it's the equivalent to opening a million of obscure submenus in windows except that it doesn't change from version to version and I can just give a chunk of text to copy and paste. So many times it happened with windows that I spend 10-30 minutes trying to do something that is the equivalent to a few minutes in linux.

In both cases I first try to use a remote desktop control system like rustdesk so I don't actually have to tell the user anything about using a terminal. I do explain how the equivalent in windows looks to let them know it's not any easier.

And again, that's only when trying to fix things. I have friends that have switched to linux in the last year and they didn't have any issues. No terminal needed.

While I agree with your first point, I don't think that's a good way to say it. It doesn't really contribute to the discussion. We need to talk about solutions, not about problems. We need to tell users about KDE, Cinnamon, MATE, whatever they're using. If the community talks about the GUI solutions then we'll be more focused on what they lack.