@necromantrix @PurpleJillybeans It's a little tossup... Maybe I should write a simple beginners guide to gaming on Linux. However, here's a short of what you need to know.

If the game is on Steam (or you add it to steam) and is steamdeck verified, it will run. Just enable compatibility tools in steam settings and done. If it's not verified, then check ProtonDB[1]. Most games work out of the box unless developers deliberately borked Proton.

Avoid Linux native ports unless the developer is committed. Otherwise they'll work worse than the windows version under Proton.

You've got games on Epic? Well, there's no official solution so you have to use either Heroic Launcher[2] (simpler but more limited) or Lutris[3] (more complex but very versatile). These work just fine.

If the game is on CD/DVD/other platform like Itch, I'd recommend using Lutris support for game installers. It is far easier than it looks.

Regarding news sources, there is fantastic @gamingonlinux

Generally gaming is far less deal breaker than professional software these days. Write down a list of your dealbreakers for yourself and if there's no red flags, try Linux and keep these pinguins sliding!

P. S. I'd recommend going for a big, well maintained distro. Fedora, SUSE, Ubuntu. Debian might be annoying... Arch and Gentoo are far too much of a commitment or ducktaping, at least for my taste.

[1] protondb.com/
[2] heroicgameslauncher.com/
[3] lutris.net/