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Orange Lantern I think that is still the correct term ... 😬

Everyone really seems determined to make this dystopia thing happen.

Rasmus Lindegaard

@molly0xfff and anyone with a smidgen of sanity still does.


Weird Socks

Oh FFS. I do NOT want to go down the Linux rabbit hole again. Please don't make me


@molly0xfff MBA's letting big daddy m$ steal all their data because we live in a meritocracy 🤡

Flauschfläche :verified:

@molly0xfff I would immediately delete Windows and install Linux if I hadn't already done so 20 Years ago!

Can Baysal

@molly0xfff Let's assume most consumer grade users do not know, understand or care about this BS. How corporate or governmental IT security people accept such a situation, that I cannot understand.

Unit Autumn

@molly0xfff I was already planning on going Linux for the new computer I'm building, but congrats Microsoft, that put the nail in the coffin

18 USC 241

@molly0xfff I feel like William Gibson must be tearing his 3 remaining hairs out



So my next computer (been using Mac anyway) will be a Linux box. Fuck enclosed platforms.

A.L. Blacklyn

@molly0xfff what are the storage requirements for that? Yikes.

Matt Ivaliotes

@molly0xfff This belongs in a Bad Idea Jeans commercial.


@molly0xfff But why does it need AI to do this?

Alan Wolf

@molly0xfff For every time I would want this (for myself), there are thousands of times I do not want this kind of record.


@molly0xfff They are basing their product strategy on Back Orifice. The most fun feature, opening/closing the CDROM, is no longer support though :(



Where all that data being stored?

And, who is paying to store it?

Sarah M

@molly0xfff Oh how the tables have turned. The tech bros have made what should never be created into a must install, even when we see it as spyware and unwanted. I can only imagine all the PPI and other sensitive information this feature will expose as some tech companies don’t understand how this is being stored nor how to ensure their confidential data is not captured. Betting the big defense corporations are already blocking this since it’s an easy in to snatch their plans / schematics and they don’t want more leaks.

@molly0xfff Oh how the tables have turned. The tech bros have made what should never be created into a must install, even when we see it as spyware and unwanted. I can only imagine all the PPI and other sensitive information this feature will expose as some tech companies don’t understand how this is being stored nor how to ensure their confidential data is not captured. Betting the big defense corporations are already blocking this since it’s an easy in to snatch their plans / schematics and they...

Everyday Freethought


At my age, someone your age should not be saying "back in my day".

WRT MS, this is totally on-brand.

Kerem ケレムさん 🏴‍☠️

@molly0xfff that is exactly what it is just had a new fancy label... funny to see though even washing machine manufacturers started calling "Ai" everything they do while their washing machines had all their smart tech stuff for last 7-8 years 😂


@molly0xfff this goes in the "headlines with threatening aura's" folder.

SoonRaccoon :d6: :d100: :d10:

@molly0xfff Does it at least come with a cute purple gorilla?


@molly0xfff Only the guilty need fear. I guess.

Bleeding Heart Liberal


Zero Legislation to Protect WE THE PPL Against Spying 24/7📲📲📲🤖🤖🤖👹👹👹MONOPOLIST.
Attacking We The Ppl due 2 CORPORATE🩸GREED. #Inflation

TheStephy_Chi 🏳️‍🌈 ♻️

@molly0xfff Microsoft never took an oath to “Do No Harm.”
If I wasn’t already a Linux user, this would be the last straw to motivate me to switch from “MacroSteal” to Linux!


@molly0xfff from a look at the (bad) AI news today, is this also taken from another SF movie? 🤦

Long live #FOSS

FirefighterGeek :masto:

@molly0xfff Are they trying really hard to make their OS ineligible for installation on classified networks?

Bodacious Dissenter

@molly0xfff Moving over to Linux as soon as I graduate from college in June.

Massimiliano Siddi

@molly0xfff I tend to still call it spyware. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Optimistic Skeptic

@molly0xfff Windows Recall as in "product recall?" If only.

Kent Pitman


This is a massive privacy violation because it crosses abstraction boundaries.

The alleged justification that it serves something that will serve me, the user, is feeble at best.

And what of the risk that some exploit will suddenly make all of this cross-application data available to pirates, blackmailers, overly controlling governments, etc?

Alejandro AR

@molly0xfff AI is gonna be the excuse to remove privacy controls


@molly0xfff from first glance, "uses AI to take screenshots of your screen" sounds like the overengineering of the century


@molly0xfff Is Microsoft planning to acquire what remains of the Claria corporation?


@molly0xfff Back in my day the only people who installed software like this were banking trojan authors or domestic abuse perpetrators.


@molly0xfff "Oh but it only saves to the same account in an encrypted way" domestic abuse perpetrators put their victim on an account they fully control and have full access to. This is just installing the spyware for them.

Luna chan

@molly0xfff All I can say about this so called feature is nope.


@molly0xfff Oh my God, I've been paranoid years ago and I'm glad I've recovered from it (especially thanks to Qubes OS). It has actually prevented me from accessing to healthcare and led me to summon the GDPR to ask an hospital to destroy their duplicates of a diagnostic, so now I need to get diagnosed again. Paranoia sucks and good people, people who are already struggling to survive will literally die because of this feature.



Back in my day, we called this company Micro$oft.

David Preston

@molly0xfff feels like all updates are just trying to ensure that more and more info is available for data sets. Hard to know what to do about it as they are increasingly important for everyday life.


@molly0xfff back in my day, we called Windows itself spyware 😆😬👀


The AI threat is the best reason to get OFF Windows & Microsoft products and become a Linux user.
There are multiple "flavors" of Linux to choose from,
Ubuntu is my choice.
AND, I also recommend the Proton Mail & VPN services, once you connect with Ubuntu or Linux Mint, etc.
Protect your data and soften your concerns about Viruses, Key loggers, IP trackers and Malware that's designed to infect ANY Windows version.
#Ubuntu #Protonmail #ProtonVPN

The Spoonless Kitchen

@molly0xfff Why am I not even remotely (do you see what I did there) surprised?

"At first glance, the Recall feature seems like it may set the stage for potential gross violations of user privacy. Despite reassurances from Microsoft, that impression persists for second and third glances as well."

All my homies hate "the cloud."

Eric Belanger

. @molly0xfff I saw somebody comment "b-b-but it's all locally stored/generated!" To that I say "for now." I need to remind eveyone that Windows 10+ is a big data gathering machine. Don't expect that AI feature to be any different!

Androgynous Sex Vampire
i hate how literally all software is called AI now

@molly0xfff Oh Molly, you salty old dog you...😜

Workload (Celestial) nono you see its not spyware because we can all 100% trust microsoft with all our deeta!!! theybtrustworthy company worthy of all our information!!!!!


- posted by Lain

Craig Duncan


Fortunately or unfortunately it requires wasting more processing power than current generation PCs. So it can’t be rolled out right now. No low energy commitment or lean tech from these guys.

I can see the sales pitch: you need this to find things you keep losing on your own PC. Here, let us help you….


@molly0xfff Back when I did windows work - I actually used to use something like this (over a decade ago) for the purpose of accounting. I had crazy amount of projects and cost centres to bill against simultaneously. I had a life saver of a time recording app (site is borked nvm) I used to combine with, I can't remember the app that did it, used to take lots of screenshots.

But yeh like anything will be abused.

ZanderTheLion @ MFF

@molly0xfff Microsoft really likes to give me reasons to get off of Windows forever.


@molly0xfff What's going to fascinate me: how Big Tech is going to force all of us to use AI against our will. Not if, how.


@molly0xfff I've been considering to upgrade to W11, because my family inevitable will. But this has just freed up an afternoon. This is not touching any of my machines.


@molly0xfff It really does sound like Red Star OS, the official operating system of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which comes with state-approved spyware that watermarks every file, logs every keystroke, and screenshots every few seconds to make sure its users aren’t doing anything they’re not supposed to.

Come to think of it, iOS is as locked down as Red Star OS, which is technically a step up as it’s based on an old Linux distro.


The only good reason to use Windows instead of Linux is PC Games. A lot of games available on Steam and Epic are not available for Linux. If I could easily play all of my games, I would have switched years ago. I will not install Recall on my PC and if it installs itself, I am done with Widows for good.

Octavia con Amore

@molly0xfff @yukijoou somewhere in Microsoft: "sooo you know how there are key loggers? what if..." :giggle:


The worse probem with this is if someone makes malware the uses your NPU behind your back to make artificial CSAM and then distribute it to police to get you arrested, analyze your conversations to replicate your writing style to email that shit to all your contacts and post it on social media, you name it it could happen with these stupid always-on NPU chips. If I have to cut out VRM parts for discrete NPUs...


@molly0xfff i used to use a tool to create spyware like this


Back in my days there wasn't this kind of spyware(almost). Perfect tool for hackers/security agencies/etc.

I'm listening

And if I remember correctly, all the big tech company are due to submit their data to government agencies/spies, according to FISA702.


> uses ai to take screenshots

w... why do you need ai... to take a screenshot...

"this airhorn uses ai to make a loud noise"

Galbinus Caeli 🌯


Me: "The previous versions didn't? I thought that was their business model."


@molly0xfff I've migrated all my non gaming systems to Linux and it's actually better than stupid Windows with Microsoft's "we know it better" attitude full of really dumb design decisions. They try to be like Apple and fail at everything. Don't want to use online account? Use some stupid hack on installer. Don't want encrypted drives? Use some stupid hack on installer. Because god forbid user had a selection button available for this shit during Windows install...

Inácio Medeiros

@molly0xfff it's been decades that Richard Stallman and Free Software community (the real Free Software, Open Source is a lamb-dressed wolf) reports about that the perils and traps of proprietary software, but (almost) nobody listened to it and (almost) everyone want to become "a product". Deal with it.

Marquise de What :unverified:

@molly0xfff Cue public smashing of the machines, if the Luddites can tear themselves away from their phones long enough to do it.

Cory Kerr 🫀

@molly0xfff this is an absolute FERPA nightmare for educators.

Bart Janssens 🇧🇪

@molly0xfff "At first glance, the Recall feature seems like it may set the stage for potential gross violations of user privacy. Despite reassurances from Microsoft, that impression persists for second and third glances as well."

Brilliant from @arstechnica 😂

Tobias Frisch

@molly0xfff We still do. But back in the day you paid to avoid it, not to install it.

Alastair Cooper I decided to try a "roll my own" version of this for my own purposes - basically I like the idea of recording some of my sessions coding or photo editing etc and having a log of what I did. So I videoed me working with my own data and then fed the video to ChatGPT-4o. It failed miserably to analyse it.

So whilst that's disappointing for me it's reassuring that it's not too easy to do it without Copilot+ in terms of bad actors abusing it. Though of course the bad actor could just hide OBS Studio in the background then watch the video themselves. But Microsoft are about to make it way, way easer. I decided to try a "roll my own" version of this for my own purposes - basically I like the idea of recording some of my sessions coding or photo editing etc and having a log of what I did. So I videoed me working with my own data and then fed the video to ChatGPT-4o. It failed miserably to analyse it.

So whilst that's disappointing for me it's reassuring that it's not too easy to do it without Copilot+ in terms of bad actors abusing it. Though of course the bad actor could...

w4tsn ~> :idle:

@molly0xfff but this time it's... erm... official like!

Patrick Zauner :verified:

@molly0xfff The thing is there is this software called rewind and I really like it.


@molly0xfff @MaZderMind das kam jetzt so oft durch die verschiedenen News Portale, dass ich meine letzte Windowsbastion — die Gamingkiste — auch mal testweise auf Ubuntu umziehe. Danke für den Anstoß 😁




... the only "reason" they are "forced" to do this, is because they are too incompetent to design + create a working simple search feature 😏🫣

Proof: "Desktop users will swear they've been in situations where they had to desperately search through emails, browser histories, and file folders trying to find that one thing they vaguely remember seeing or working on a few days prior. It's frustrating, but Microsoft may have cracked this problem... "



... the only "reason" they are "forced" to do this, is because they are too incompetent to design + create a working simple search feature 😏🫣

Proof: "Desktop users will swear they've been in situations where they had to desperately search through emails, browser histories, and file folders trying to find that one thing they vaguely remember seeing or working on a few days prior....

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