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Scott Francis

“What if you set out to make the worst website you possibly could? So poorly designed and full of frustrating patterns that users would not only hate the experience of using this website, but would also come to hate your company. Could we make a web experience so terrible that it would express how much our company hated our users?”

Scott Francis

“Hey front-end folks, just a quick note. Never ever ever ever ever mess with my browser. It's not yours, it's mine. I'm letting you use it for free to render your bloated sites. Don't do this to me. I get to copy paste whatever I want whenever I want. When you get your own browser you can do whatever you want but while you are living in my house under my rules I get to copy/paste whenever I goddamn feel like it.”


Scott Francis

This is one of the most entertaining and savage takedowns I've read in a while. If you make a website so horrible that somebody takes the considerable time required to carefully catalog and recount *all the ways* you're doing it wrong, then ... yikes. Time to reflect on your life choices.

Scott Francis

@4d3fect I'm honestly just kind of amazed here at the concentration of UX anti-practices concentrated in one spot

Scott Francis

it's like ... if somebody rolled a D20 on every possible decision point for a web UI, and rolled a 1 *every single time* they'd end up with the Broadcom support site, apparently.

Andrew 🌻 Brandt 🐇

@darkuncle I...just did that last week. Misery loves company.

Scott Francis

man, there's a whole archive of stuff from Mat. This from the article "IAM Is The Worst” is a gem:

"So that's effectively the AWS story, which is terrible but at least it's possible to cobble together something that works and you can audit. Google looked at this and said "what if we could express how much we hate Infrastructure teams as a service?" Expensive coffee robots were engaged, colorful furniture was sat on and the brightest minds of our generation came up with a system so punishing you'd think you did something to offend them personally.”

man, there's a whole archive of stuff from Mat. This from the article "IAM Is The Worst” is a gem:

"So that's effectively the AWS story, which is terrible but at least it's possible to cobble together something that works and you can audit. Google looked at this and said "what if we could express how much we hate Infrastructure teams as a service?" Expensive coffee robots were engaged, colorful furniture was sat on and the brightest minds of our generation came up with a system so punishing you'd...

Scott Francis

haha, Mat's on the Fediverse! Quick follow to @matdevdug <3

Andrew Certain

@darkuncle I had to get documentation and SDKs from Broadcom when I was working on AWS networking devices, and I agree with everything written there.

Scott Francis

@tacertain kind of feel like I dodged a bullet in some ways not being on a service team while I was there

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