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Javier (He/Him)

Saw some text online that made me want to turn it into signage. What good are graphic design skills if you can't have a little fun with them.😜



😁 Love this so much!
I thank you and your graphic design skills.


@Javier Nice job. This has the ring of truth.



Or survive the chase fellow citizen Javier (He/Him).

"Critical Focus

Fortunately, there is a curious and wonderful fact about humanity.

Whenever we come together to focus on and solve some seemingly insurmountable problem, we are successful.

From initially learning to navigate vast oceans, to understanding and curing disease, to placing humans on the moon and exploring the solar system beyond, our species record of technical achievement is truly stunning.

In fact, history clearly records that our progress as a species is not impeded by our inability to solve critical problems; it is instead impeded by our inability to recognize and focus on them.

We have survived thus far not by elegant planning, but simply because of our once isolated population groups, the relatively low level of past technologies, and sheer dumb luck.

However, time has turned, and we cannot go back. Populations have become almost completely integrated, our technology has progressed to fantastic and globally lethal levels, and sooner or later our sheer dumb luck will run out.

Without direction, without a plan, without common goals and purpose, our species, and our world, will fail.

All our history, all our dreams, all our knowledge, our anguish, our joy, our victories, our defeats, all of our passion, everything that was human, gone forever. As if it had never existed in time at all.

Could anyone, no matter what their nationality or beliefs, want their children or grandchildren to live their last anguished moments of life in this failed world? A world now beset by an inescapable catastrophe that could easily have been avoided if their ancestors had exercised just a little foresight and vision?

I think not."
SearingTruth, A Future of the Brave, 2005


Or survive the chase fellow citizen Javier (He/Him).

"Critical Focus

Fortunately, there is a curious and wonderful fact about humanity.

Whenever we come together to focus on and solve some seemingly insurmountable problem, we are successful.

From initially learning to navigate vast oceans, to understanding and curing disease, to placing humans on the moon and exploring the solar system beyond, our species record of technical achievement is truly stunning.

Schlemihl Schalmeier

@Javier That reminds me of ...

"Yes, just run after happiness,
but don't run too hard,
because everyone is running after happiness;
happiness runs after them."

-- Bertolt Brecht, "The song of the inadequacy of human endeavor", from The Threepenny Opera (1928)


@Javier empty handed human approaches you menacingly (is this what they call "daily grind set"?(?)



As a stealth predator I lie in wait until my dreams are within reach and they I pounce before they know any better

AK Ritter

@Javier I need to print this out and stick it over my monitor as a reminder not to burn myself out trying to make up for lost time lol

Chumchum Tumtum

@Javier aren't we ambush predators and trappers, necessarily, by nature? Like, the whole outlast predator thing never made much sense to me, because it's such a poor cost to benefit ratio, and also so much more effort than ambush and trapping, which would have likely come to early humans pretty easily, given that who we evolved from was already socially cooperative - so as soon as we mutated for high cortical growth, we'd probably be planning ambushes, if not even before then? Conjecture though

Chumchum Tumtum

@Javier good work on the graphic, though! It looks great!

Joviko Wi


"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."

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