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Bart Decrem :mammoth_gold:

hi folks, this will be a conversation ofc. the critical thing here is to truly understand what DA is/was all about, what this community needs. prolly means the right team has at least 1 person that is a DA power user or superfan. you don’t have to have all the answers. you can just send us a paragraph with a few thoughts, or expression of interest. THIS CAN BE A CONVERSATION & we figure this out together. Thinking about doing a Discord or Zoom convo in a day or 2 to bring interested ppl together


@bart I was a former Gallery Admin (2004-08), Support Desk admin, Forum mod, and 'power user' for a couple of decades. I don't know how much I can contribute, but am open to participating in any meaningful way I can.

I'm also still in personal contact with several of the key community members from the golden era (e.g. Lolly, Ryan Ford) but you know...


@bart My only request is strong tagging support. I am always amused by the fact that E621 (a furry art (largely porn) site) is still one of the best tag searching systems on the internet.

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