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Jason Scott

Busily spending part of my weekend enjoying one aspect of my job at the Archive - sorting through uploads of a certain type - in this case, anything calling itself a "Manual". There are hundreds of people uploading a single manual for the most obscure of things, and the style and breadth is amazing.


@textfiles Whoa, that Amstrad printer is a blast from the past!

IA is the first place I'd go for a manual now, no contest.

Molly B

@textfiles The last time I looked into scanning and uploading, the form I found required an ISBN. None of my manuals (like the one for a 1964 Rambler) have one. :-) Do you have a link to a better form?

Molly B

@textfiles Thanks! I think I must have ended up in a rabbit hole the last time I looked into this--that doesn't look like the page I remember visiting before (it's been a while :-) ).

Delta Wye

@textfiles @mjibrower This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this - do you have a URL?

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