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Ever Aftar

@drq > No machine will tell you...

Тем временем.

what to do when you get upset by somebody, maybe a close friend, not calling you to a party, for example.

When you feel upset because a close friend didn't invite you to a party, it's important to handle the situation thoughtfully. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Reflect on Your Feelings: Take some time to understand why you're upset. Is it because you feel left out, or do you think the friendship is undervalued? Understanding your emotions can help you respond more effectively.

2. Consider Their Perspective: There might be reasons you weren't invited that you aren't aware of. Try to consider their side of the story. Perhaps the event was small or specific to a certain group of friends.

3. Communicate Openly: When you feel calm, talk to your friend about how you feel. Use "I" statements to express your feelings without sounding accusatory. For example, "I felt a bit hurt when I wasn't invited to the party. Can you help me understand why?"

4. Listen Actively: When your friend responds, listen to what they have to say without interrupting. They might have a valid reason or simply made an oversight.

5. Assess the Relationship: Based on the conversation, reflect on the nature of your friendship. Is this an isolated incident or part of a pattern? Consider how you want to proceed.

6. Find a Resolution: Work towards a resolution that respects both your feelings and your friend's perspective. This might involve setting clearer expectations or boundaries for future events.

7. Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities that make you feel good and help you process your emotions. This might include talking to other friends, exercising, or engaging in a hobby.

Remember, maintaining healthy relationships often involves navigating misunderstandings and expressing feelings constructively.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@ever Охуенно. А ты подумаешь проконсультироваться у кого-то, пускай даже у нейронки, когда в тебе говно кипит?

Я об этом, а не о том, что нейронка может наколбасить весьма правдоподобного текста.

Ever Aftar

@drq Согласен, если закипит, то консультироваться с кем-то даже мысли не будет. И все советы полностью забудутся, даже советы доктора. (Хорошо, что у меня уже давно не кипит. Не помню уже, когда в последний раз кипело)

Но мы спорим о совершенно разных вещах, в совершенно разных плоскостях. Что есть бесполезно. Так что, я не настаиваю на продолжении.

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