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Over the years, have you grown more or less conservative?

Anonymous poll


More conservative
Much more conservative
Less conservative
Much less conservative
I am under the age of 35
548 people voted.
Voting ended 25 May at 23:49.
Gen X-Wing

@Njord While I’ve become much less conservative, I have also given up on anything after Marx. Not because I don’t agree with a lot of what he found in his studies, but because I can’t identify with the left at all. They are either off on a tangent or being fooled by some dictator:(

I think I’ve developed more empathy and generally am softer with age as well. C’Est la vie.


@Njord I choose "less conservative" just because, well, I went to anti war protests in my teens. Baselines are weird.

Jasper 🍉

@abstractslug @Njord i too voted just 'less' because i was not very conservative to start with.

エラン履恵 • Elán Rie 💉x7

@Njord Under the age of 35, but considering the current trajectory of "much less conservative" that I'm already on, I expect that to continue being the case the older I get and the more I learn about folks' experiences who differ from my own


@Njord I honestly don't know, because I'm not sure what constitutes "conservatism".

The things I've mostly changed my mind about as I've grown older have been technology (I'm a lot less enthusiastic, and arguably "conservative" in that I've found myself resisting more technologization than younger me would have guessed!), and the EU (I used to be a die-hard left-Euroskeptic, now my views on the EU have moderated quite a bit - which younger me might also have considered "conservative").


@Njord On most "classic" social issues (and economics), I haven't really changed a bit, though.

Mark Britten

@Njord Hard t osay, tbh, because my politics is kind of all over the place.

Paul Williams

@Njord I was already pretty progressive so can’t say ‘much less’ conservative, but I’ve definitely added to my anarchist / progressive / socialist ideals in the last decade or so.

Andrew C.A. Elliott

Further left with age.

I used to think 'equality of opportunity' would be enough. I now believe that's wishful thinking. Through my life, inequality has increased, both within societies and between societies, and I think that drives many of the problems of today's world.

The concept of a billionaire is an obscenity. We need more equality, in absolute terms. Fair shares.

hallowphax 🎃

@Njord Libertarian in my 20s, now on the brink of full blown Communism


@Njord both actually, depends on the topic

C++ Guy

When I was young, I was — let's be honest — an arse. I was brought up to be an arse, because my parents believed that they were in the right and everyone else was in the wrong, and they wanted me to grow up to be in the right, just like them.

I try not to be an arse any more. And you know what? Life is better for everyone that way, including me.

Snerk Rabbledauber
@CppGuy @Njord

There are several key understandings that people need to reach to be better people. One is: There are more than one way to be, and that's okay.

Even if you are right, it doesn't mean everyone else is wrong. Life is full of nuance.
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