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Johannes Ernst

Anybody know what triggers a profile re-fetch in #mastodon ?

After an instance accessed a remote account for the first time, it fetches name, avatar, number of followers etc. When will it fetch it next to potentially update?

Robb Knight

@J12t The profile info like name, etc is trigger when the instance receives the event (user.updated I think).

As for posts/followers, I’ve never been clear on that.

Johannes Ernst

@robb You mean when it receives an UPDATE activity on the Actor object? But the other instance would only do that if there were an actual follower on the local instance, what about if it only got there because somebody was mentioned etc?

Robb Knight

@J12t Yep, Update on the actor is what I meant.

I’m not sure now? I suppose if someone looked up the user which would cause a fetch on the instance it would be updated? I’m a bit out of my depth with this part of it.

Renaud Chaput

@J12t when we receive an Update for this account, and more recently when we receive a new status and the account has not been refreshed in the last 7 days

Renaud Chaput

@J12t same for me, I was surprised we did not do it so I had it implemented.
We need a similar periodic check on verified links now, but it has a few complexities.

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