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Dave Anderson

@evana Knowing nothing about how garmin build firmware, my suspicion is it's something like: this is a list of all OSS present in their Yocto source tree, or similar. Rather than track what OSS makes it into which firmware builds for which SKUs, they just make a list of all OSS that gets too close to their build system, and put that one list in all products. But I dunno 🤷


@danderson @evana This is the likely explanation. We did a similar thing for infotainment at an auto company I worked for: we listed the license of everything that was built in Yocto, but some of those (like GCC, bison, meson, autotools, and other build tools) are never shipped in the image, so technically we may not have needed to list them. The source code tarball you can request under the GPL written offer clause also contains those (even if they're not GPL).

Agnieszka R. Turczyńska

@danderson This explanation is plausible. I cannot honestly argument with that. But it says some about the company using such scheme. And it isn't nice for them. So, probably you are right.

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