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elilla&, travesti madam

- You need to find the kind of resistance that you can see yourself doing all the time, then do it all the time. suppose right now we urgently need baddass antifa soldiers, much more than programmers, and you're a programmer. we still need ~some~ programmers. you'll help more as a badass programmer who put up a website to recruit enthusiastic antifa soldiers, than as a reluctant, half-assed antifa soldier.

- Security is a set of tradeoffs; different people have different needs.
- There is a place for the old invisible uncles who never leave a trace, and there is a place for the twitch streamers.
- Sadly, your personal security approach affects your comrades too. I don't know how to navigate this.

- cruelty is the point. the State _will_ do egregious, baffling, illegal, forms of repression. on purpose, to stifle rebellious sentiment through uncertainty, trauma, terror.
- so must have means to deal with trauma and terror.
- look up on counter-insurgency manuals. a lot of that fear will transmute to anger.
- but what you really need is a life outside activism + a healthy support system. this is as important to keep going as raising funds and oiling guns.
- public callouts is a tool of the past. calling out a politician as genocidal doesn't work when they tweet about genociding and get votes. less callouts, more mask ups.

- The Left still has a lot of patriarchy to untangle, and doesn't recognise carework as political work.
- Carework is crucial right now.

- Making nazis afraid again: simple, effective, high-impact, fun. Very recommended praxis, both engaging and rewarding.

- Euro anarchists have dour meetings. Kurdish and Mexican revolutionaries have fun meetings that feel like parties. The latter 2 are mourning war losses, battling fascists, and indefatigably standing up to stiff govt repression. Euro anarchists will be dealing with that kinda stuff too (some already are), and if we don't learn to have meetings that feel good and fun and healing, we will all burn out before it starts.

- Trying to convince libs is not worth it.
- The top 2 liberal myths: non-State societies have only existed / must always be small-scale; indigenous societies are primitive. these are prejudices and so impossible to be argued with.
- Doing things for the general community is always worth it, even if you can't reach them ideologically. Like respond to the call for volunteers to pack food for refugees. Wear an anarchist patch. Don't initiate political discussions, just be nice and shape their views of what anarchists are like.

- just in general, propaganda of the deed does a lot more outreach than words. one of the best things that Euro anarchists do: remembering the affected when no one else does. while the libs are decrying Ella for the dangers of vigilantism, Jewish elders pass along copies of Antifa-Infoblätter while remembering the Shoa, with a lilt in their voices, "look at what the young people are doing". the media has let go of the NSU coverup and has forgotten about Hanau, but when we invite the families of the Hanau victims to speak, year after year, the Muslim immigrants in the streets and shisha bars stop to watch us. They will remember.

- you need meds or drugs off the system, who do you think of? you need to sneak in a relative, you need an emergency place to crash, you need an illegal abortion, you need protection and can't trust the cops, you feel like the State is violating your bodily autonomy, you feel lonely and empty in the rat race and like there's no community for you, you are just done with the system and ready to fuck stuff up, who do you think of? right now for a lot of people the first image that pops to mind is "the fash".

- I've met people who wanted to resist, but felt too disabled or scared and that it would never be for them. in cases like this I reassure them, and I mean it, that not everybody has to be on the streets shouting or dismantling ecocidal machinery, that just by caring and being nice to people they're already doing a lot, and other truths. then, not even thinking of politics, I listen to their personal stories, I cook for them or let them cook for me, I tell them, sincerely, that it must have been terrible to go through that, that I can understand how they feel, I validate their identities and their sense of injustice. then before I know it they're out in demos with me shouting at the face of cops. now look I"m not a cure for mh- or disability and I'm not doing this on purpose to gather soldiers, my point here is only one: That somebody who is broken, alone and hurt needs healing, love and care, not preaching.
- *definitely* not guilt-tripping to burn themselves in activism like a second job.

- Not just global warming but systemic ecological crisis in all spheres, not caused by the Anthropocene, but by the Colonialismocene.

1 comment
elilla&, travesti madam

in any group there will be harmful behaviour, from hurtful words to sexual harassment and worse. currently leftists deal with this in one of 2 ways, 1) becoming the cop or 2) pretending it doesn't matter. neither will build community. ostracism is a lot harsher punishment than people seem to think. if we don't learn to genuinely address harm in ways that keep us together, we'll stay dependent on the State to do the dirty part, forever.

and I don't care if the anti-idpol scumbag-left cancels me, I don't even know if those dudes are still a thing and I don't want to. but I think it's absolutely taboo right now for me to state that abusers shouldn't have their beating hearts torn out before the Sun God on first offense. I don't know how to convey this to the Euro scene in a productive manner.

maybe try this: suddenly a military occupation explodes and you scramble to download all those Tacticool Girlfriend videos you didn't watch and learn to protect your friends, cos it's either that or die (1). you're sheltering in a war zone now, going out together under the buzzing drones to get food, trying to connect to allies and survive. now a fuckboy at your group who had always been kinda annoying but never downright abusive one day does a sexual harassment. what do you, collectively, do?

banish him from the group? that means kicking him out into the war. now he dies. yes no I don't support sexual abuse, but I don't support death penalty as the punishment for sexual abuse either. or else he manages to survive, someone validates his sense of unfairness and he joins the nazis. is this a good result for the girl, yay I don't have to look at my abuser again, he's safely out there getting into Evola? I don't care what abusers do, say, to other girls, as long as I kicked them far enough that I don't have to think about it?

or do you tell the girl that I'm sorry, that was terrible but it's a war right now and we need all shooters, we can deal with rape culture after world peace is achieved just let it go for now, and from day #2 we all just pretend everything is normal? what will that do to the bonds of trust when it keeps happening, under pressure?

"but we are not in a war zone" homer simpson meme, we are not in a war zone ✨yet✨. but ok, current status here in the increasingly-surreal "irl" of the privileged: if you kick people out of the communities they're in and put them on permanent, irreversible outcast status, they don't get killed or even arrested. all that happens is that they're out there in bitter solitude, then they start Patreons and Netflix specials. this is working great to stop abuse?

I'm not writing this hot take academically, I have lived through issues like this in about every Euro political group I've been to—nothing as bad as sexual abuse, fortunately, but decidly bad behaviour that shouldn't be left un-addressed, but then it was definitely addressed in ways that rely on the existence of a State outside the doors to kick the bad elements onto, safely out of our pretty prefigurative bubbles.

yes restorative justice, transformative, all that is great we stan, but in practice is your group prepared to actually do it? everybody is so focused on rooting out sexual predators and problematic prejudices that it honestly feels to me like liberals dealing with crime, "to catch a predator: anarchist assembly edition". if not incarceration or ostracism, what is the accountability that we're striving _for_ ? can we talk about measures that could be taken to prevent and remedy internal harm, before the internal harm happens, preferably before the external harm comes for us? cos like the external harm feels like kinda close these days??

1: "The events of the Maidan were like a situation in which the special forces break into your house and you need to take decisive actions, but your arsenal consists only of punk lyrics, veganism, 100-year-old books, and at best, the experience of participating in street anti-fascism and local social conflicts. Consequently, there was a lot of confusion, as people attempted to understand what was happening."

in any group there will be harmful behaviour, from hurtful words to sexual harassment and worse. currently leftists deal with this in one of 2 ways, 1) becoming the cop or 2) pretending it doesn't matter. neither will build community. ostracism is a lot harsher punishment than people seem to think. if we don't learn to genuinely address harm in ways that keep us together, we'll stay dependent on the State to do the dirty part, forever.

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