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Jakub Klawiter :mastodon:

Did you divide by zero? All numbers one by one? :D


@wariat Yes, that's what immediately came to mind. Division by zero.

lily 🏳️‍⚧️ bro typed 5318008 and used xrandr to turn her display upside down 💀

Delta Wye

@umps @chloe



you tried to calculate the amount of dollars each person in the US is spending via their taxes to crush kids to death in Gaza.

Caesar Rylan

@chloe you calculated one of those forbidden Illegal Numbers™


@chloe You typed 5318008 didn't you, admit it.


@jaycee A hoopy frood that knows where his towel is . 👍 @chloe


@TheZorse @jaycee @chloe My wife worked with a pharmacist from Russia once. He refused to use calculators, relying instead on an abacus.

When asked, he would say, "Abacus does not break."

Asta [AMP] they straight up tell you it's forbidden to divide by zero and yet

Nick Kerker :coffefied:

@chloe it was tired of you constantly writing 8008135

Inhabitant of Carcosa :emacs:

@chloe Tried to enter 5318008 in violation of the terms of service.

Tim Verstynen


Division by zero is STRICTLY forbidden!

Bruce Heerssen

Maybe you shouldn't have spelled BOOB so much.


You're not allowed to use it to look at 58008 upside-down


@chloe you really been pushing its buttons for way too long 👿


@chloe `zenity --error --text="You are permanently banned from Calculator"`



AI takeover - the beginning. Good thing I still have one from the 70's.


@chloe There’s proably a better way to avoid divide by zero errors.


@chloe tried to divide by zero? I think it's overreacting, It should just print NaN and let you off with a warning. At least for a first offence 😃

Carlos Francisco 🦣

@chloe the first person ever to achieve that. Congratulations! 🤣😂


@chloe secretly tried to divide by zero?


Have you tried to divide by 0 ?
This is the end of the earth !


@chloe I'm really curious about the story behind this.

Der Haken

@chloe you know, what you did, you naughty person

#Guigui 🇫🇷:flag_ay:

@chloe cheat code! if you type 9 + 1 0 [enter] Y O U S T U P I D you will immediately get banned for being unfunny


those perma bans seem to be popular at the moment, probably from big tech !

Caesar Rylan

@chloe try disconnecting from the Internet so it can't validate the banishment maybe

@chloe Did you literally patch it to make this joke or is this some obscure bug where it mixes up error messages with some social media app or something? :blobcatjoy:

@chloe wait this is real and not just a joke :neofox_glare:


@chloe How do you get banned by a calculator? Looks like you divided by zero :welp:

Schrank :shopware:

@chloe @1000millimeter that’s not the calculator you are looking for.


@chloe sorry, re-install your OS, no way around it, it seems. 😬

tom jennings


Wow. I am truly impressed. Wtf, over.

Madeline :antiverified:

@chloe They kept telling me I wouldn’t always have a calculator with me, but not like this


@chloe I chuckled at the idea of Ubuntu getting mad about 55378008 or 71077345, but then I saw it's just a locale issue. Not sure which is more dumb, though.


@chloe my brain cannot process how this could be real, as in, what combination of circumstances in a FOSS system could result in a message like this

Alles für den Ground

@chloe you probably divided by zero :blobcateyes:

Phil Thane ✅

You did divide by zero again didn't you?



Entered 7734 and turned it upside down?


@chloe you just had to go and try and divide by zero eh...

Alice :neocat_trans_cute:‮ did ubuntu make that random patch (adding the icon on the left) for gtk4 too, or is it a random gtk3 dialog? :3

Placeholder here.

@chloe you did 80083 too many times

Jose Luis Peruyero

"By dividing by zero you have violated the rules of real-numbers-only calculator".

Frank Heijkamp

@chloe Did you type naughty words on the calculator?


@chloe Divide by zero? Log of one negative number too many? Arctan of pi/2?


@chloe There only so many times one can try to divide by zero before the calculator says "Enough is enough".

bituur esztreym

before, i&i couldn't tell; after, guess you banned Calculator from your OS?

Emma Builds 🚀

@chloe sorry, the Gnome Crimes department will arrive soon. Surrender peacefully and switch to a new desktop once you're out of Gnome Supermax.

Emma Builds 🚀

@chloe I, as a trans, are already committing capital crimes, by not using Arch.

The Trans Police came by to demand my choker, knee socks, and combat doll collection.

But here's my secret, I don't have any of those. :sicko_yes:

Dubi Kaufmann

Did you write 5318008 and turned it upside down?

Lonnon Foster
@chloe Don’t even *think* about dividing by zero.

@chloe never challenge the Empire of the Sum™.

LA Legault 🍉


We see you, you little math criminàl LOL

🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🐧 🥦


Should have listened to your teachers and learned to do arithmetic manually.


@chloe “A calculator must not, through action or inaction, permit a user to divide by zero”


@chloe Have you by any chance calculated the square root of -1? That is not allowed, you know? Very bad! 😂


@chloe did you type 58008 and turn it upside down?


@Gothilla @chloe or type 58008 and stand on your head? Instant ban for that, as I know all too well. 😑


@chloe Didn’t they warn you to never divide by zero?


@chloe radiohead fan did not accept the fact that 2 + 2 = 4

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