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Sooo.. the reason you start out in underwear is because you wake up on an abandoned and alien attacked space station from hibernation and will collect your first set of armor on the station

From there you'll be able to go to different planets etc!

**don't mind the not-fitting icons, i know :blobcatgiggle:


@stux that you felt the need to explain the initial dress code in a post 😂


@adhdeanasl still need a name :blobcatgiggle:


@stux Ooh, a challenge! What’s the plot?


@adhdeanasl I have no clue yet! :flan_laugh:

The game features are gonna be:

- harvesting system (trees, rocks, plants)
- Crafting (weapons, gear, tools, buildables)
- Building (building space bases, building etc from scratch)
- Combat (fighting space enemies with melee but also guns/rockets/nukes)
- leveling
- Bosses probably!
- "Revruiting" NPCs to populate the buildings you build

The rest i am making up as we go 😆

@adhdeanasl I have no clue yet! :flan_laugh:

The game features are gonna be:

- harvesting system (trees, rocks, plants)
- Crafting (weapons, gear, tools, buildables)
- Building (building space bases, building etc from scratch)
- Combat (fighting space enemies with melee but also guns/rockets/nukes)
- leveling
- Bosses probably!
- "Revruiting" NPCs to populate the buildings you build


@stux Lonely Speck: A Space Settler’s Adventure


@stux (from a Carl Sagan quote: “Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark.”)


Here are some screenshot of the data table all items are in!

This way you can basically add unlimited items/weapons/gear etc! 💪


**If anyone is up for creating cool icons/UI for this game please let me know ❤️

***it has to be free though since I will give away this game + future updates also away for free.. Ofc credits are ✅


@stux damn, I wish I had time ... always fancied doing some game art. I'm not a designer though, it'd be terrible probably.


@stux It's clear to me that I should be waking from space hibernation in my Buzz Lightyear onesie.


@HeyItsRosie got a loooot of weapons/tools! just have to add them and think out recipes etc 😆


@stux I'd say you're doing a good job so far! Keep it up!!

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