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Don Hayward

@chetwisniewski. Got a good HOWTO for running a secure mail server. Recently, most of the advice I have seen is “Don’t”

Chester Wisniewski

@drhaywardj I am not recommending it for everyone. Sadly, I don't, but it helps that I work at Sophos and use my Sophos XGS firewall and our cloud email filtering to handle much of the heavy lifting. Managed my own mail server since 1999, so I am well steeped in my LDAP/Postfix/Dovetail nuances.


@chetwisniewski @drhaywardj yeh, definitely not for everyone. I gave up running my own server in the early 2000's because spam, attacks, etc, just became too oppressive for my home ADSL connection to handle 😖

Nils Nakayama

There are some good services that work well. I have an email address with Posted (German company) and their business Modell is not to do that kind of shit. Can recommend this instead of running your own server. That being said, I do run my own NextCloud and want to do everything to not need any external services... @chetwisniewski @drhaywardj

Seth Hanford 🐡

@drhaywardj @chetwisniewski you should have a look at the upcoming kickstarter for Run Your Own Mail Server by @mwl -

I’ve been running mine since early 2000s and (as a sponsor of the book) I received a prerelease copy. It’s a great resource for what’s necessary to do this important work in the modern climate. Highly recommend it.

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