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Florian Streibelt (mutax)

@miki @GossiTheDog @Quinnypig even if it stays within one workspace, DMs and private channels are a huge issue, don't you think? But of course, never would anybody discuss sensitive personal matters via DMs, right?
Going the way of using an opt-out is telling a lot. If all of that stuff is so great, people would happily opt-in, so why sneaking that in through the back?

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Mikołaj Hołysz

@mutax @GossiTheDog @Quinnypig People never opt in to anything. You could tell most people that they can get a million dollars, no strings attached, and they'd just click whatever button strikes their fancy to close that popup as quickly as possible without even reading what it says. If it's an opt-in in the settings? Forget it.

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