I finally finished everything I wanted to do before leaving the BETA state and it is finally done!

There is also a special domain for this occasion!
From now on you can reach the neomojimixer via https://neomojimixer.com !!!
(Don't worry all your old links, even the ones that point to a specific combination will still work!)

So what are our current stats?
- 144 different bodies
- 35 different eyes
- 30 different mouths
- 50 different arms
(46 of which come in twelve different colours!)

That makes a total of 743 elements with 7,560,000 possible combinations!

Many thanks to @volpeon@is-a.wyvern.rip , @EeveeEuphoria@yiff.life , @prinsje@mirageisland.nl , @asahi@floofy.city , @vftdan@mastodon.ml , @Johann150@genau.qwertqwefsday.eu , @freeplay@wetdry.world , @o76923@kitty.social for all the help, the amazing neomojis and of course all of you for using this fun little toy!

I won't stop updating the neomojimixer, but I'm happy with the state it's in and to be honest: I need a little break from the project. I will update it with more elements in the next months, but until after Whitsun I will just play some games in my spare time instead of working on it.

Don't hesitate to make suggestions here! I look forward to making more and more combinations!