Every invention represents some value. The Internet represents the values that are innate to the human species - our crave for communication, community, togetherness that has thankfully kept us alive for millennia, even if we're, once again, at conflict with ourselves - it came from the nuclear programme in the Cold War.
It also represents freedom to find out together through science (WWW is a CERN project), and build together through machine-mediated empathy (FOSS and such), and to fool around together for binary-encoded fun (games, demoscene, Internet art and humour).
If I hold anything sacred, it's these simple values. And the Internet still holds promise for that.
I think, therefore, that abusing the Internet, and twisting it into something that ultimately serves only a minority, lining their already deep pockets at the expense of the humanity's future, or intentionally breaking it in the name of a geopolitical squabble, is the very special kind of crime. I hope, you would agree.
This sounds a bit hypocritical honestly. FOSS developers(as well as physicists and other people of rare skills) are exactly that: a minority. And our disconnect with average internet user isn't any less than that of average corporate suit, now when pretty much much everyone relies on it.