@inthehands how about the #InconvenientTruth that both @signalapp / #Signal and #Telegram are BOTH EQUALLY BAD since they both are #proprietary, #centralized #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider solutions that collect #PII like #PhoneNumbers with no "#LegitimateInterest" because they are not "technically necessary" to fulfill their services.

Plus they not only can but will include #Govware #backdoors when pressed hard enough aka. cops with 3-hole masks put a gun to their heads...

Just like there are no #LoglessVPN's these Services and their #staff have addresses...

Instead, consider something where the #developers nor #maintainers can't do that - like with #XMPP + #OMEMO where you have #SelfCustody of all the #Keys and thus you are in control!