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Why do these mega companies get tax breaks? They should be paying a tax premium to set up business in a state.

Gerry McGovern

@lin11c They play one poor or ambitious region against another. They are constantly on the look out for tax loopholes, anything to avoid. They try and subcontract and outsource where possible, anything to avoid decent jobs because decent jobs hurts their voracious hunger for more profits, more power.

Big Tech--the most powerful companies in the world--are on corporate welfare. Always with their greedy hands out for more, more, more. No wonder they trade in secrecy.


I know!! It drive me crazy! I wonder it these politicians get kickbacks. That seems to be the only thing they care about these days. The corruption really is that bad now.

Matt Palmer

@lin11c @gerrymcgovern no no, kickbacks and other forms of bribery are illegal, and nobody would ever suggest our fine, upstanding elected officials would do anything illegal. However, it's perfectly above board for politicians to move on to well paid positions as consultants and lobbyists when their time in elected office is complete.


@womble @gerrymcgovern
Oh please. Case in point: Clarence Thomas. The king of bribes. #DonTheCon's inaugural committee. Just two examples.

Matt Palmer

@lin11c @gerrymcgovern I see I'm going to have to add /s to even more of my posts...


@gerrymcgovern @lin11c every era is the same. It used to be big tobacco, or big oil, or big steel. The problem is capitalism. People will inherently do everything they can to hoard resources. I don’t think people understand the possibly of a post resource scarcity world.


@randy5235 @gerrymcgovern
It's the tanking of almost all anti-trust legislation that has destroyed us. We are enshittified the most in the media because it is simply a billionaire disinformation sewer now. I remember when people were raising alarms back in the 90s.


Yes I know, that is the claim. I know in NYC what they were getting in tax breaks was much greater than the "jobs" they were bringing. They still snuck in somehow.


@lin11c @gerrymcgovern it's basically "we'll provide your city with jobs if you give us this tax break; if not, we'll go somewhere else with our jobs."

or, conversely, "hey big tech, we'll give you massive tax breaks if you bring us more jobs."

taking hostages, or bribery -- either way it's disgusting.


@rothko @gerrymcgovern
These mega corps lie about how many jobs are actually created. With AI, forget about jobs. They will need even more water and power to run that machine. Once they are embedded in the community they will hide information and control litigation. No way to fight them and their limitless funds.

Gerry McGovern

And the weird thing about data centers is that they bring hardly any jobs, maybe 20-50 for a typical large data center, and lots of those jobs are low paying contract or security work. It's a scam.


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