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Grandparents still using a computer instead of a smartphone.

Jennifer Therieau

@shatter @megmac

I'm 62 and I use my smartphone and laptop interchangeably, working in Adobe, Squarespace, Discord, Midjourney, YouTube, Reddit, pretty much every app I find useful to do what I need to do. I grew up in an age without personal computers. When I discovered "desktop publishing" I was entranced. I learned by doing. And I'm still learning.


@coolgreymatter @megmac

The biggest piece of tech that been totally missed with the touch screens of phones and tablets is using them as a wireless second screen.

It's 2024 and I want to grab something and throw it over to the tablet to sit back and read on the couch Tony Stark style.

I want thing to be a native function after pairing. 10 years later, still nothing.

Jennifer Therieau

@shatter @megmac
I never thought of it as a 'second screen' but you're absolutely right. I will upload photos from my phone to Googledrive to edit on my laptop. Or edit in Snapseed on my phone then upload to my Googledrive. Or email myself articles from my phone to read on my laptop over coffee. Or vice versa if I know I'll be reading on the road. It's all connected now. Which is kind of concerning.


@coolgreymatter @megmac

It's an extra step that makes sense traveling. In home it should be as easy as a drag and drop. Stand next to desktop or laptop with tablet ready for use.

I've seen it done as an ass on but not very well. This should be OS native. As easy as airplay that I'm using right now to send music to my receiver.

Instead we've got chat bots. Everywhere.

Mark Whybird

@shatter @coolgreymatter @megmac I donโ€™t want to Apple fanboi too much, but they do have both what they call โ€œHandoffโ€ (seamlessly pick up what youโ€™re working on over on your other device) and โ€œSidecarโ€ (use your iPad as an actual additional screen for your Mac).


@whybird @coolgreymatter @megmac

I'll have to play around with it since I have a Mac now. Always thought it should have been there by 3rd Gen at the latest.

Im no fan boy,vut when you have desktop tablet and phones as yiur product making a unified UX sees like it should be at the top of the feature list.

I played around with this some 11 years ago using a 20" monitor on a swing arm in portrait mode. Was rather nice for reading.

Jennifer Therieau

@shatter @megmac

Laptop > tablet > smartphone > PC connectivity is a little more connectivity than I'm comfortable with at the moment.


@coolgreymatter @megmac

Use Google? If so I have some very bad news for you... ๐Ÿ˜‰


@coolgreymatter @megmac

Tracking data is all over everything. The least we could do is benefit with functionality. It's getting better though.

We have zero privacy at this point though unless you're a neoludite.

argv minus one


That sounds like a security breach waiting to happen. Whenever one device controls another over a network or radio, that's an opportunity for criminals to take over.

@coolgreymatter @megmac

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