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Allan Chow

@megmac my last job had a lot of recent graduate youngs and they were so technology literate I was like wow alright. My current job so many of my colleagues are tied to their phones and know nothing I was flabbergasted

Stefan Monnier

@grumpasaurus @megmac It's much harder to learn how computers work, nowadays: a big part of the tech world is working to make sure it's as hard as possible (both for security reasons and to keep their audience captive).
Free Software has a vested interest in educating the users, but Apple/Google/Meta/Adobe/Bestbuy/... are better off keeping them in the dark

Allan Chow

@monnier @megmac that's a very good point.

But at least learn to use your fucking phone. C'mon.


@grumpasaurus @monnier @megmac

It was a genuine shock to me that a surprising number of smart people nowadays simply do not understand the concept of a directory structure.

Gordon J Holtslander

@monnier @grumpasaurus @megmac The grandchildren will be well versed with Raspberry Pi ...

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