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The reason why we would love to see more accounts talk about composting on the #fediverse is simple.

You will be able to focus on your area and explain to local people what they can compost and where they can get their organic matter.

You can create a local community that will help your local area make a better place.

If we started this account it is for a main reason. Make people understand that by choosing to compost they can have a positive impact and do something about the #ClimateChange.

So creating a multitude of local accounts that will allow people to organize and make their area a better place is a very powerful thing to do for the #climate.

Prainbow (she/her)

@compost In Colorado, due to our semi-arid status, my primary issue with composting is adding moisture.



Have you tried adding charcoal to the pile? It is well known for keeping moisture in the soil.

Prainbow (she/her)

@compost I have not tried that. I'm struggling a bit with my compost piles now. Most of the volume is from the chicken coop. A lot of straw, much more than kitchen scraps.

Jewels :neofox_comfy_mug:

@compost I'm halfway to my first full bokashi bucket and it's very cool. #bokashi :neocat_science:



We do not talk about bokashi because it is an anaerobic process that does not fit the definition of composting.

But is a a very valid solution to avoid sending a lot of waste to the landfills.


@jules Good luck starting out on your bokashi journey. I’ve made bokashi compost on and off (currently off) for 21 months and it’s really helped close the loop of our food waste.

Between making compost, vermicast and bokashi all our food waste is now returned back to our soil.

I make very little bokashi compost now because, through changing diets, we have very little waste now I can’t add to the normal compost or the worm box.

It’s still there as an option and I have one bed in the allotment that’s been fertilised only with bokashi compost and leaf litter. This year will be its second growing season.


@jules Good luck starting out on your bokashi journey. I’ve made bokashi compost on and off (currently off) for 21 months and it’s really helped close the loop of our food waste.

Between making compost, vermicast and bokashi all our food waste is now returned back to our soil.

I make very little bokashi compost now because, through changing diets, we have very little waste now I can’t add to the normal compost or the worm box.

Sisyphus with a Hat

@compost Here in Saskatchewan, things are just slower since even the hottest compost pile freezes solid at extended periods below -20°C (even -30). So more patience is required.



We live in the south of the USA and it is the kind of issue we do not have experience with. But it would be a great topic for a composting account to talk about what to do on northern latitude.

Blaise Pabón

Thank you.
I like the idea of following the #compostodon tag because I am an occasional hobbyist and my nomadic life takes me through various biomes.


@compost Always on the lookout for practical tips! We finally dedicated a portion of our land last year to composting, dumped all of our plant-based food garbage in there. Soooo many earthworms now! With the resulting soil I planted some leafy greens and they all look great! 💪 We haven't added any more than plant-based food garbage & egg shells. Just that much has been a huge boost!


molly in missouri

@JustPassingThrough @compost may i ask a question or 2? Or 3?
Did you balance green and brown, add worms yourself, add water/ block rain?
(Please say no please say no please say it was just a matter of time 😅)


@whatzaname @compost No to all. The worms just moved in on their own! I just dump & bury. Our soil isn't picturesque but it works and our plants are healthy.


@JustPassingThrough @compost. Thank you for the compost ingredients, said the earthworms. We will take it from here, they added. #compost, #growyourown.

J Mills

@compost Any reservations about using composted manure from a large dairy farm? I know little about the source, so I’m reluctant to use it. Any instances of PFAS contamination?



It is always good to know your local farmer and ask them what medication they use or how they feed their animals.

Here we have many dairy farms around us but we can't be sure about what they use so we do not use their manure.

The best manure in the world is made by composting worms and we exclusively use this kind of manure.


@urbanmicrofarmer @compost I know that using manure from cows that eat hay treated with dicamba and similar herbicides would be bad. I saw on an extension service site that if legumes can grow in it, it would indicate that it's clear of that one. There's also the issue of any meds fed to the cows. If you can raise chickens, that's great.

J Mills

@Bon_Jardin @compost I have a garden plot on the edge of town. The land owner says he will bring in the composted cow manure for his use and mine, if interested. Since I don’t know the source, I will decline. At my backyard / home garden I have laying hens. I know what they eat, and I’m glad to get their manure. Today I connected with the local microbrewery. I now have a source of spent brewing grains (free)!


@urbanmicrofarmer @Bon_Jardin @compost

Are you aware of That's how I found my current composter who takes the output from my guinea pig cages. (Our municiple contractor stopped taking anything but food scraps and plant cuttings, so the newpaper would have otherwise gone to landfill.)


@urbanmicrofarmer @Bon_Jardin @compost

Composter reported that two cubic yards of finished compost went to the tree planting project at a local high school a month or so ago. This made me very happy.


@cavyherd @urbanmicrofarmer @Bon_Jardin @compost I like ShareWaste - when I had bins out on the front berm I was happy to have people drop stuff off, less so now (a) the bins are in the back, guarded by the ducks (b) the city now does food scraps collection.
They have a weird definition of "neighbour". I got a notification this week of a new compost bin in my area - 40km away!


@rupert @urbanmicrofarmer @Bon_Jardin @compost

Yeah, they're thin on the ground, it's true. My composter is biking range—at a distance that's basicaly at my range these days. (I'm not in as good condition as I've been in the past.)

I think the next nearest is probably 20km or so.

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