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@chaosmonkey @saxicola

I needed something quick for how much water the model person would use. That was "an average person needs eight cups of water a day".

8 cups / 24 hours = 0.3333 cups/hour

A quarter of that is 0.0833 cups / 15 minutes.

1.000 litre = 4.227 cups

0.0833 / 4.227 = 0.0197 litres

But I'd needed half a litre, not a litre in the conversion, so the number is doubled for 0.0394.

As a percentage, that's rounded to 4%.


@saxicola @shadowfals I always welcome and appreciate open, honest, transparent and civil discourse / reactions based on facts and logic. πŸ˜€

The calculation has definitely given me food for thought.


@shadowfals @saxicola I appreciate the calculation and by extension your transparency. ❀️

Personally I would probably have started with the premise of "the average person requires at least two litres of water per day" but that's what I'm used to.

I think I'll try out some similar calculations. Maybe create a site where people can compare energy expenditure between various things like "the average google search" or "three minutes of youtube"


@chaosmonkey where I live, cups are more commonly used as measurement. I had to look up the conversion to litres. Starting with litres would definitely be simpler!

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