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@gerrymcgovern While I appreciate the concerns with regards to energy use & I personally feel that #AI is a serious #existentialThreat to #humanity..

I do wonder why some people feel the need to #insult others like "fuck tech bros" etc. Seems #unnecessary.

In the end most, if not all, #energy slurping services keep existing because of users. Including "social media" like X, Face**, etc and yes even #Mastodon & the #Fediverse with its glorious cat pics..

So I applaud efforts to reduce usage. ❤️

Gerry McGovern

@chaosmonkey Good points. When I talk about "tech bros", I do not mean all those involved in the tech industry, by any means. It is a particular subset best represented by the likes of musk, zuckerberg, altman, et al.

Yes, the users are the ultimate "end users", and there is definite responsibility there. However, the very best minds in Silicon Valley have for many years had a relentless focus: how best to manipulate and addict people using technology. It's hard as a user to resist.

Corporation 9592

@chaosmonkey @gerrymcgovern

Techbros: “Look at what you made us do!! We were only just trying to help you poor losers post cat pics. Sure, we got rich from raping the environment, but we only did it for you!!”

Fuck techbros.


@eldubuu @gerrymcgovern Wow... that's exactly the kind of post I meant.

I wasn't aware that in certain circles "tech bros" specifically refers to people like Musk, Zuckerberg etc.

Though I have no love for them, I do believe in being civil.

Also, a term like "tech bros" feels (to me and possibly others) like you're addressing a lot more than just Elon M. and Mark Z., including just you average IT worker.


@chaosmonkey @eldubuu @gerrymcgovern I've had to say before that tech bros differ from tech workers like bros differ from people in general or even just men.

Tech bros don't necessarily even have any technical skills.

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