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@gerrymcgovern my house is far less useful to 7b souls than gpt3, uses on the order of 1-2 MWh each month, and that costs me a couple Benjamins. Is my math wrong or is 1287MWh under $150k of electricity? Hardly seems an existential risk.

Gerry McGovern

"Global electricity demand from data centers, cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence could more than double over the next three years, adding the equivalent of Germany’s entire power needs, the International Energy Agency forecasts in its latest report.“

In 2024, China Water Risk estimated that China's data centers would use about 1.3 trillion liters of water annually, which is sufficient for 26 million people. 2030: 3 trillion liters

"Global electricity demand from data centers, cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence could more than double over the next three years, adding the equivalent of Germany’s entire power needs, the International Energy Agency forecasts in its latest report.“


@gerrymcgovern did you answer my question? I missed that. As a pro-nuc engineer in an area that gets a lot of protests, I’ve gotten used to trying to base claims when I don’t know source of data. So, rather than another ‘this article says these opponents say X’, I like validating data a bit directly. Is my math wrong?

Gerry McGovern

@cascheranno Your maths may well be right. Training is just part of the cost, though.

The IEA quote I gave you says that data centers may add a Germany's worth of electricity demand in the next 3 years. In 3 years. That's an incredible increase.

Other reference estimates China's AI water demand alone will be 3 trillion liters a year by 2030.

And it's only just beginning. Out of nowhere, AI is surging. Big Tech is super surging.


@gerrymcgovern its a concern, but the estimates (and your new ones) aren’t what I’d call ‘well-documented’. I want iron-clad negatives when I rail against greed, wanton climate-damaging acts, etc.

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