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Jo Jitsu

@gerrymcgovern it needs banning. And everyone using it for kicks, shits & giggles, can fuck off.

Jo Jitsu

@gerrymcgovern everyone using it to make their jobs ‘easier’ should lose their jobs.
Every employer implementing it should go financially bankrupt along with their already existing moral bankruptcy.


@JoBlakely @gerrymcgovern Ban this ban that. AI can be genuinely useful, it just needs to be uncensored and local without the large AI companies lobotomizing the llms from the beginning to prevent the general public from having a tool that is useful. AI shouldn't be banned, and since when is using electricity and water a bad thing? We should make electricity and clean drinking water cheaper and more accessible to lift people out of poverty.

Gerry McGovern

I don't like banning either. All energy has a cost of the environment, though. No such thing as green, clean or renewable. Creating electricity will nearly always pollute drinking water, so you're solving one problem while creating another. For example, electrical infra requires huge amount of mining, and mining does incredible long term damage to water table.


@gerrymcgovern @JoBlakely And yet because of electricity we have the tools to mitigate the damage while enjoying the benefits. We have power tools and construction trucks because we have fossil fuels and electricity, we can use these power tools and construction trucks to build infrastructure that mitigates the damage, we can build desalinization plants to produce clean drinking water from the ocean, we can build nuclear power plants in the gigawatt range that have little to no carbon footprint and yet can recycle their own waste until there is no useful fuel left. All of this technology can be done today, and yet government wont let us and the environmentalists don't want access to cheap clean power or drinking water. They don't like the use of artificial fertilizers and GMOs that let us grow crops in suboptimal and bad soil that are resistant to pests and do not require poisonous pesticides and are more nutritious because they have been engineered to have higher nutritional value. Edit: there might not be a things as perfectly free clean energy, but perfect is the en enemy of the good. There is most definitely a thing as cleaner energy, cheaper energy and efficient energy. If america embraced nuclear power like france does we wouldn't need to import oil and gas prices would be cheaper.

@gerrymcgovern @JoBlakely And yet because of electricity we have the tools to mitigate the damage while enjoying the benefits. We have power tools and construction trucks because we have fossil fuels and electricity, we can use these power tools and construction trucks to build infrastructure that mitigates the damage, we can build desalinization plants to produce clean drinking water from the ocean, we can build nuclear power plants in the gigawatt range that have little to no carbon footprint and...

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