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Cassey Lottman

At a writing group I attended today, an attendee mentioned she was losing her hearing. Someone at the local Commission for the Deaf had told her about an app she could someday use to get live captions at in person events, but she wasn’t sure how it worked.

Within a few minutes, I had this app called Ava downloaded, connected her to the session I started, and we had an hour or so of free, auto-generated (so, imperfect, but better than none) live captioning for the discussion. It was incredible.

Cassey Lottman

AI tools can be used in really cool ways that can really help people, and change people’s lives for the better! It’s unfortunate that the current AI craze is mostly not that at all, however.

Matt Steele

@cassey you might have seen this post from @brainwane about the ethics of transcription tools, which really can be game changing for the people who use them, as opposed to a lot of the other generative AI slop that’s easier to dismiss

Obbie King

@cassey "AI" has become too much of a faddish buzzword lately. For instance, what you describe is more accurately labelled "voice recognition."

Most of what is called AI is sophisticated algorithms on Really Powerful Computers, along with some old fad buzzwords like "Data Mining" and "Big Data." And the developers call it *all* "AI", 'cause that's what Big Money wants.

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