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The Guardian asked hundreds of the world’s top climate scientists for their views on the most effective actions combating climate-ecological breakdown. The top 5 actions were:

1. Vote for representatives who pledge strong climate action.

2. Reduce flying and fossil fuel-powered transport in favour of electric and public transport.

3. Reduce meat consumption.

4. Reduce home heating or cooling emissions.

5. Join a campaign or protest group.

So... nothing about industry. It's all pushed back onto the consumer. Awesome.

@nigel @GeofCox individualising a systemic problem is deeply problematic and a page out of the fossil fuel industries playbook to make people feel okay about what's happening


@GeofCox As it turns out, they only listed five because #6 was "drown oil execs in barrels of their own product"

David Penfold :verified:

@GeofCox Yet no mention of offing fossil fuel CEOs or their political lapdogs, pour encourager les autres.

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