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:mastodon: Ricardo Martín

@stefano 23 years since the days of Linux Slackware and SUSE :)
Those were interesting times, when people thought Windows 2000 would save them from the Novelll Netware license extortion, and few knew who the BSA was.
Today, I still have a physical disk with a duly licensed copy of Windows, only for Steam.

:mastodon: Ricardo Martín

@stefano I bet I can send shivers down your spine if I mention Hercules cards and XFree86 in one sentence 😂

Stefano Marinelli

@fluxwatcher It does! As does when I think I was using XFree86 with my Matrox Mystique 🙂

Graham Perrin

@fluxwatcher a few days ago, I couldn't understand why MATE Calculator was responding strangely to numerical input.

After a few failed attempts: I stopped trying to use KCharSelect as a calculator.

Then, I couldn't understand why the true calculator was responding strangely to numerical input.

After a few failed attempts – including random clicks on things that I had not previously noticed in MATE Calculator: I stopped trying to use KCalc as if it was my MATE.

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