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The Spaceshipper πŸš€

Today is also the 26th anniversary of Deep Impact. Sure, it lost the box office battle against Armageddon that year, but I have a soft spot for this film.

The Messiah, model by Industrial Light & Magic:

a writer


I thought it far less ridiculous than Armageddon. :)

Joshua A.C. Newman

@Dandelion @TheSpaceshipper
It’s definitely a better movie. Not a GOOD movie, but Armageddon is just an exploding pile of Michael Bay and Armageddon makes a thousand times as much sense, which is to say, 1% sense.

Sadly, Don’t Look Up is the most plausible in the genre.

Colin Chick

@TheSpaceshipper perhaps controversial: it's my favourite out of the two!


@TheSpaceshipper I have a soft spot for the two of them. Deep impact being the more grounded movie, Armageddon just for the sheer action and comedy.

Neil Blevins

@TheSpaceshipper I liked it a lot better than armageddon, I always tear up at the scene on the beach towards the end

The Spaceshipper πŸš€

@artofsoulburn I've never seen someone cry as much as my cousin during Armageddon lol

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