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Ben Ramsey

It’s official, now!

RFC 9562: Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs)


Ben Ramsey

And, if you look very closely at acknowledgements, my name is listed. 🥰

Ben Ramsey

@shochdoerfer Kyzer, Brad, Paul, and others did all the work. My only contribution was basically suggesting to Brad, “You should put UUIDv6 through the IETF standards process.” What the group ended up producing was amazing.

Larry Garfield

@ramsey Woohoo!

I have my name somewhere in the picture element spec, in much the same way. :-)

WerySkok :verified_think:

@ramsey ~~I will still double check if UUID is actually unique in my DB~~

Alexander Schnitzler

@WerySkok @ramsey I hope you also check auto increment fields then. Better safe than sorry. 😉

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