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Julian Andres Klode 🏳️‍🌈

@tuxwise @RLetot @keepassxc We can also rename the existing package to KeePassXC-minimal and then remove the keepassxc package.

Then users will get a message from apt when doing install keepassxc that tells them it's provided by either.

But anyway I hope this longer explanation seems less rude to you, I had to sit down in the middle of a city trying to get it out on my phone.

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Topher 🌱🐧💚

@juliank @keepassxc

I personally wouldn't mind and would in fact choose to use the minimised version with all those things removed, aside from the YubiKey support. That's the only part that seems a bit odd...

All the other features, though? I would happily use the "feature-less" version.

(would *strongly* opt for it, in fact, if it did still have YubiKey support)

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